Daniel Götesson (1978), known as EKTA, is a Swedish artist, currently based in Gothenburg. His works have been exhibited all over Europe and his murals can be found across the continent in countries such as Croatia, Poland and England. Amongst other projects, Götesson has recently worked on several public art commissions of varying scale for various municipalities in Sweden.
’Ekta's abstract and semi-abstract works are characterised by an incessantly over-layering and erasing process. His works reflect a constant struggle, the search for balance and the frustration once is reached, the pursuit of the perfect composition and the instantaneous need of destroying it. The unexpected becomes a temporary reconciliation with the work, what makes it finished in it's deliberate unfinishedness.’
EKTA's website is designed to provide an overview of his diverse yet coherent artistic oeuvre. From ’Works’ and ’Walls’ to ’Installations’ and ’Commissions’, the start section of the website employs chance to randomly select and arrange a number of works, echoing the seemingly randomized stringency that characterizes many of the artist's works. For each new visit or reload of the page, a new series of images will be displayed. This gives the visitor a quick overview and invites to more in-depth explorations through browsing the specific categories and or projects. Often working in series, the category overviews are arranged in rows, dynamically adapted based on the number of images within each series. Upon selecting a specific row, the gallery view opens, allowing the visitor to browse through a series, one image at a time. For the biography section, the different content types were divided into separate columns. By checking one of the boxes in the bottom right corner, the background colour is updated and all items related to the checked box are highlighted.